Monday, January 25, 2010

it all started friday night with this simple but stirring tweet.


with my quick wit *smart mouth * i tweeted...

recognizing the unrest in the fandom this quickly followed...

karenkid jumped in with...

julee chimed...

with a clear head snowangelzz proposed...

me again.

a couple of tweets later and the campaign was finalized.


So that's how PEACE. LOVE. CUPCAKES. was born. A few emails, tweets and DMs later news went out to various fan sites. Time lapse from Jim's initial tweet about David singing backstage to Becky's when we were off and running....34 minutes!!! By Sunday pm we had over $2,000 donated in the names of our beloved jambajim and DavidArchie.

dear jambajim,

please accept this as a token of appreciation from David's sometimes goofy, always loving and ridiculously generous fans everywhere.

(now you know what David has to put up with, LOL!)

THE @DavidArchie FANS


update 1.
link to the Snowangelzz Hope for Haiti post HERE.

update 2.
a call goes out via twitter to change your avi in honor of Peace. Love. Cupcakes. everyone gets into the act including the man of the hour.

update 3. with complete disbelief and awe,
*dabs eyes*
i humbly post this.

and here is a list of our donors.

Adrianne Buckles
Alma Rodriguez
Amy Norfleet
Amy Zapf
Andrea Chontos
Andrea Claxton
Andrea Cruz
Angela Harmon
Angela Swartz
Ann Catherine Smith
Annalisa Olivieri
Anne Boone
Anne Fulgencio
Anne-Marie Likoudis
Annie from DAFG
Arlene Erlich
Astrid Roy
Aurea Trinidad
Barbs L.
Barbara Shearer
Becky Sherlock
Bianca Nobe
Bonnie Turner
Brynn Nufer
Carol Raymond
Carlolyn Scheppner
Cathy Krebs
Cherryl Corcoran
Cindy Woodham
Claire Rolfe
Claudia Wallace
Connie Renteria
Connie Thurber
Deanna Meikle
Deb Shelor
Deborah Smyth
Debra Belli
Diane Cantrell
Diane Rodriguez
Donna Higby
Donna Rasmussen
Douglas Weaver
Eileen Petersen
Elizabeth Braun
Fiona Schlorke
Gail Smith
Georgeann Ray
Geri Mecham
Gloria Jacobs
Gwendolyn Porea
H Crawford Rhaly Jr
Hanne Ankersen
Heidi Hortin
Hellen Crain
Hoa-Binh Tu
Holly Sefton
Jack Bissey
Jamie Knudsen
Jan Norton
Jane Kielb
Jane Wong
Janet Donnelly
Janey Hughes
Janice Schwartz
Jean McDermott
Jeanne Reimer
Jeffrey Roscoe
Jennifer Barry
Jennifer Haley
Jill Searle
Joanie Sutton
Joelene Hess
John Kittendorf
Joianna Ficken
Joni Zelk
Josephine Ilagan
Joyce Friedlin
Judith Turnipseed
Judy Rice
Julaine Ferry
Julee Kowallis
Julie Oihus
Julie Turner
Juliet Bathgate
Justin Vaughn
Kaitlyn Rice
Karen Cook
Karen Disbrow
Karen Lacro
Karin Carlson
Kathi Grant
Kathleen Condon
Kathleen Duffy
Kathy H
Kathy Mathews
Kimberly Soto
Kristin Andrade
Kristin DiBias
Laraine Leelike
Larissa Cheong
Laura Maratta
Laurie Backes
Laurie Rickey
Lillian A. Hinds
Linda Callaway
Linda J Layman
Linda Layton
Linda Seamons
Lisa Ezra
Lorna Lythgoe
Lorraine Wheeler
Maa Lee
Marcia Oaklander
Maggie Patridge
Marek Spurek
Marie Benesh
Marilena Beliciu
Martha Lagana
Martha Meza
Mary Avallone
Mary Lavoie
Mary Lou Sinclair
Mary Pletsch
Mary Priola
Melinda Caparas
Michelle Blackwell
Michelle Cheng
Michelle Graeter
Mildred Calayag
Monica M.
Monica Quintero
Nancy Austen
Nancy Carpenter
Nancy Ferwerda
Nancy Glidden
Nancy Knowles
Nancy Lenahan
Nancy Liber
Nancy Schaffer
Nathalene Parero
Olga p Pereira
Pam Bogdan
Pamela Fortier
Pamela Fraley
Pamela McDaniel
Pamela Roberts
Patricia Keith
Patricia Morton
Patsy Smith
Paula Mosely
Peggy Ence
Penny Schoonover
Rachel Cooke
Rebekah Cole
Robin Franck
Robin Worley
Ronald Tolentino
Rosemary Gilpin
Samantha Hollingsworth
Sandra Di Berardino
Sandra Jackson
Sandra Sandridge
Scott Talmadge
Seow Selina
Sharon Mcmanus
Sheila Roposa
Shelley Tonder
Sheng-Yung Chang
Sherry Gilbert
Soh Steven
Stacie Goldberg
Stephanie Bagley
Stephen Bogdan
Susan Lund
Susan Searle
Susan Skibbe
Tamara Bashura
Tammy Tamster
Tara Fischer
Taryn Preston
Teresa Marme
Terese Bloom
Terri Hodgkinson
Tiffany Adams
Tim Grant
Tina Bradley
Tracey Mehalko
Trudy Rouleau
Vicky Ferriell
Vicky Yoxtheimer
Victoria Pohlman
Virgilio Fabros
Virginia Banker
Vivian Amachree
Vonzella Hunt-Finkley
Wanda Nodine
Yacob Yasmin
Yee S Y

julee note: To David's fans; Yesterday was one of the most joyous days I have had in Archu-land and it has nothing to do with David. Although the donations are in his name, this little spur of the moment project epitomized to me what we have become - a group of like minded people whose generosity and love know no bounds. This is just one of the many ways my life has been enriched because I am a fan of David Archuleta and I consider that to be a privilege. Thank you so much! You make my life happy!

becky note: Sometimes the spontaneous ideas that come from the heart are the most successful, fun and meaningful. David's good works and Jim's kindness paired with the telethon really inspired everyone to give just a bit more for those suffering in Haiti.
janey note: once again the most awsomEage people in the universe came together and made me proud to call myself a fan of David's. thank you EVERYYYone for an incredible day!!! and i'd like to give a one-armed archuhug to @jambajim for showing solidarity to the cause with his cupcake avi!

deb note: This "campaign" started out as a fun way for @DavidArchie fans to thank Jim for all his kind ArchSupport. But our collective compassion for the plight of the people of Haiti caused it to snowball into something much more. Thank you to everyone who so generously donated ... and sweated over a hot virtual oven.
update 4.
this tweet sums it up for me.


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

i'd like to take a minute to thank my partners in crime, julee, becky, and deb, thank you so much, ilu.
and last but not least i have to give a shout-out to the guy who brings out the best in everyone he meets and who continues to inspire us all by the example he sets each and everyyyday, David ♥ .

link to jim cantiello's mtv newsroom blog HERE